Pacific Foundation | Geotechnical Excellence

(360) 200-6608

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Secant and Tangent Piles

Pacific Foundation stands as a leader in geotechnical construction, distinguished by our unparalleled expertise and solutions-driven focus on each and every project.  Our approach is anchored in rigorous engineering analysis, meticulous planning, and a strong commitment to quality assurance. This makes us the go-to choice for general contractors, engineers, and project managers looking for high-performance, technically robust foundation solutions.

Secant and tangent piles are specialized earth retention techniques employed in geotechnical construction to provide a stable barrier for soil and water. Secant piles involve drilling overlapping cylindrical piles while tangent piles are positioned in such a way that they just “touch” without overlapping. Both methods create robust, interlocking pile walls suitable for complex projects that require significant load-bearing capacity and water retention capabilities.

Secant vs. Tangent Piles

The fundamental difference between secant and tangent piles lies in their arrangement. In a secant pile wall, piles overlap each other to form a continuous, impervious barrier effective for groundwater control. Tangent piles, on the other hand, are installed adjacent to each other without overlapping, forming a wall that is less watertight but quicker to install.

Secant Pile Wall vs. Tangent Pile Wall

The difference in wall type primarily revolves around the application. Secant pile walls are often chosen for more challenging conditions requiring strict groundwater control, while tangent pile walls are more suitable for scenarios where water control is less critical but speed of installation is a priority.

What is a Secant Pile?

A secant pile is a type of drilled shaft installed in such a way that it overlaps with adjacent piles, forming a continuous wall. These are often used in situations demanding high structural integrity and effective water retention.

Secant vs. Contiguous Piling

Secant piling overlaps to form a more watertight barrier, while contiguous piling involves installing piles close to each other but without overlap. The latter is often chosen for conditions where groundwater control is less critical but structural support is still needed.

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