Pacific Foundation | Geotechnical Excellence

(360) 200-6608

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Public Buildings

Manzanita City Hall

Client: Cove Built, LLC
Scope of Work: CDSM Columns / Soil Mixing
Project Year: 2024

The City of Manzanita, Oregon reached a critical juncture in their emergency preparedness planning. The City Hall and the Police Station was in an outdated structure that would not withstand a “megathrust” from a Cascadia Subduction Zone Fault. Since the building also serves as an emergency response center, the city acquired a new parcel and began the process of engineering a foundation that would support the building in the event of heavy seismic activity. Because of our significant experience soil mixing in a variety of coastal areas, Pacific Foundation was selected as the drilling contractor for the project. For this project, our scope of work included 4′ CDSM columns. Watch the video to learn more about the project and challenges encountered along the way!

The Project

The new Manzanita City Hall aims to create a safer, modern facility to replace the outdated and vulnerable building. It will provide essential public services, community meeting spaces, and emergency operations capabilities.

The Solution

The use of Soil-Cement Mixing (SCM) technology helps stabilize the ground beneath the new site, addressing geotechnical challenges and ensuring structural integrity against seismic risks and flooding.

The Result

The upgraded City Hall will enhance public safety, improve service access, and foster community resilience, supporting both daily operations and disaster response needs.

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