Pacific Foundation | Geotechnical Excellence

(360) 200-6608

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Simco 2400 Drillteam

Simco 2400 Drillteam

The SIMCO 2400 Drillteam is a robust, hybrid drilling system ideal for utility leak detection, offering percussive and auger drilling methods, ensuring rapid, simplified operations even in challenging conditions.

Hutte HBR 605-4

Hutte HBR 605-4

The Hutte HBR-605-4 is a compact, versatile hydraulic drilling rig ideal for micropiles, ground anchors, and foundation construction, offering enhanced stability, power, and operational efficiency in challenging drilling conditions.

Comacchio MC-28

Comacchio MC-28

The Comacchio MC-28D is a versatile drilling rig designed for micropiles and anchors construction, boasting a reinforced undercarriage and adaptable mast articulation system, suitable for both rotary and rotary-percussive drilling with a range of accessory options.

Comacchio MC-4D

Comacchio MC-4D

The Comacchio MC-4D is a hydraulic drilling rig tailored for executing ground engineering projects in constrained or challenging environments such as inside buildings, basements, and small tunnels, making it suitable for jobs in confined or low overhead spaces and difficult access sites

Klemm KR 401-2

Klemm KR 401-2

The Klemm KR401-2 drill rig is designed primarily for jet grouting applications but flexible enough to accommodate a variety of drilling systems and challenging environments.